Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Avengers teaser trailer released!

So everyone knows that Marvel has been making movies for years leading up to this moment.
And now we get a second glimpse of the movie, The Avengers!
If you saw "Captain America: The First Avenger" a few months ago and you stayed after the credits,
a whole trailer was released for "The Avengers". It was hard to kind of see what was going on at times because the clips went by so fast. But it was exciting seeing all of the heros in the same movie.
Because it was one of those hidden clips, it was not released as a trailer and wasn't able to be put on sites like YouTube, IMDB or Yahoo! Movies.
But now we finally have an official trailer and it looks AWESOME!
Here it is!

I cannot wait to see this. After seeing Thor, Loki is my favorite Marvel villain and I cannot wait to see him as the main antagonist in the movie. Also, we finally get to see a glimpse of Bruce Banner as the Hulk! Most people know, but if you don't, Edward Norton was originally Bruce Banner/ the Hulk. A lot of fans, including me, really liked him has Bruce and couldn't wait to see him in The Avengers. But he was basically fired because they said that he was like a diva on the set and he was hard to work with. A lot of fans were very angry and they thought, me including, that Norton was a perfect choice for Bruce Banner. The actor replacing him is Mark Ruffalo. I've seen him in some movies and he was in the recent Oscar nominated movie, "The Kids are Alright". He was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for that movie, so he is a very good actor. I hope that he can bring the same power Norton did as Bruce and I'm interested what he will bring to the table. Everyone should have a chance to show what they can do before everyone starts to criticize. So I hope he does a good job!
Overall, the trailer looks great and I will definitely be seeing this at midnight!
"The Avengers" will be released into theaters May 4th. 2012.
Avengers assemble!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Catwoman DOES have ears!

So a lot of people were disappointed when we saw the first released photo of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. I wasn't one of those people, I quite liked it but I have to say it didn't really feel like Catwoman without the ears. There really wasn't a feline feel to it.
But, she does have ears! Here are some pictures:

It might be possible that the goggles she had in the official photo:

might go behind her head and create those cat ears. But I am really interested to see what gadgets she has  and if she has the claws. I don't know if she does, in the picture where she's walking toward the Bat Pod it seems like they are just gloves. I know a lot of people still don't really like the costume yet, but Catwoman is a cat burglar, she has to blend into darkness and be stealthy like Batman so I'm glad that her suit is all black and not like Michelle Pfeiffer's in "Batman Returns", also I like that her suit is a matte black. This is a more realistic approach and Nolan is all about making something as real as possible. I trust him completely. He knows what he is doing so we will see either when a more revealing trailer comes out or when the actual movie is released. I apologize for being a little late on this, I found out about the photos yesterday and I didn't get to post them until today but from now on I will post new information exactly when I find out. Also, I will be reviewing the "Star Wars" Blu-ray collection very soon, there are a lot of things on the discs and I want to get through every single thing and watch all 6 movies to see how good the quality is.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Another change has been made on the "Star Wars" Blu-rays. Originally in "Return of the Jedi", when the Emperor is attacking Luke with force lightening, Vader just stares quietly and then he decides to save his son and throws Sidious to his doom. But Lucas is changing that.

As you see above, Darth Vader now says "No" when deciding to save his son. I don't know why, but this actually bothers me. There's just something about him not saying a word that's just so right. I don't mind the changing of Yoda,but this bothers me and I don't know why. Perhaps this is how people felt when they changed Han shooting first. You know it was originally something else, but now it's different, it's not the same. But I guess I can get used to it. Good thing I have a copy of RotJ before this change. So I can watch it either way. I just hope this will be the last thing George Lucas does to the franchise. It's been changed enough.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Changes on the "Star Wars" Blu-rays

I don't know about some people, but I have been really looking forward to the "Star Wars" Blu-rays. I love high definition and having my #1 favorite movies in the highest quality and the tons of extras that weren't on the DVD's is a dream come true.
So there have been some changes to the movies and fans will be happy to hear. Now when I first read this, I automatically assumed that George Lucas changed his mind about Greedo shooting first, and he was going to change it back to Han shooting first in the Cantina scene. Unfortunately, this is not happening. But these changes will somewhat satisfy us fans.

So first, in "The Empire Strikes Back", a lot of people, including me, noticed that when Luke was on the planet, Hoth, and he's patrolling, he is attacked by a giant monster called a Wampa. When the arm sweeps in and hits Like, the Puppeteer pushed the fake arm too far and you can see the pole attached to the arm.

As you can see in the photo above, the top shot shows the pole of the fake arm. To fix this problem, the Digital Effects artists at ILM went back and fixed this problem (as you see in the bottom shot) so that it's no longer visible.

For the second fix, in "Return of the Jedi", after the DVD release, fans were upset with how dull the color of the lightsabers were from the original theatrical release. 

As you can see in the picture on the top shot, the lightsaber colors are very much darker and don't look as bright as they should. Also, I noticed that the colors kind of go through each other. Now, I will admit that I never noticed this before, but with the comparisons it's obvious.
So on this Blu-ray release, they have restored the right brightness of the lightsabers.

As for the last fix, this one is the most notable change. In "The Phantom Menace", the Yoda puppet they used looked very strange and different from the original movies. But also completely different from "Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith". A lot of fans, including myself, complained that he didn't look right. They made Yoda this way to seem like he was younger, but it just didn't work.


George seemed to agree with what us fans had to say and completely changed Yoda over to CGI. I know that a lot of people complain about how much CGI is used in the prequels, but I think that this change is needed. Plus it gives an opportunity for Yoda to show more emotions like in the 2 other prequels. You can clearly see in the video the big difference and now Yoda looks the way he is suppose to. 

Those are all the major changes in some of the "Star Wars" movies. Not very major changes, except for the Yoda change, but I'm sure this will please the fans. I know a large amount of fans want Han to shoot first, or basically just having the original theatrical release of the classics, but it's probably not going to happen so we should be grateful that they did these things for us, plus the hours of extras that weren't included on the DVD releases. 
The "Star Wars" Blu-rays are being released on Friday, September 16th, 2011 (at least in the U.S.)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The fourth 'Underworld' trailer has been released!

Kate Beckinsale is back and she is kicking butt! The fourth movie is titled:
'Underworld: Awakening'

I don't know what exactly it's about, but it seems like Selene (Beckinsale) has been held captive in this place for 12 years and she wakes up and the humans are hunting down the vampires and lycans. And they are probably going to fight back, but they're not teaming together because it is clearly seen in the trailer that Selene kills a lycan. So no teamwork there! And she's looking for Michael. I don't know what keeps happening to him. But overall I think any 'Underworld' fan will be excited to see Kate back and it looks like a great action movie. I can't wait to see it in theaters!

In theaters January 20, 2012

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Batwing is revealed!

A ridiculously large amount of pictures and videos of 'The Dark Knight Rises' have been coming out lately and this is another video. The the first Nolan Batman we saw the Batmobile, or what the crew call it Tumbler, in the second Batman by Nolan we saw the Batpod; and everyone was probably wondering what they would be showing in the third. Well here it is, the Batwing!

The Batwing looks a lot similar to the Tumbler, but of course with the wings above it. I think it looks really awesome. I didn't know if they were going to have another one of Batman's way of transportation in this one, but they will be! I wish that I could be down in Pittsburgh to see it being filmed since I am really close, but unfortunately I can't. I'm glad though that there are others out there that are present while they are filming so us Batman or Nolan fans can see their progress. I will be updating everything new about 'The Dark Knight Rises' so stay tuned!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bane has spoken!

Everyone knows that 'The Dark Knight Rises' has started filming. And we all know the villains are Catwoman and Bane. But now, we get an idea of how Bane will talk. In the video below it shows people cheering and then getting silent as the field explodes and Bane walks on the field. There is a separate video for the explosion you can check out by clicking this video and it taking you to YouTube then by the same channel just look at the other videos they posted and you will see it.
Unfortunately you can't see a lot on the field, but it's still overall a scene that will be in the movie so it's still exciting. What I think about how he talks is that I wasn't expecting him to talk like that and I sort of like it. It's bizarre and it threw me completely off guard, which I like. Tom Hardy, who plays Bane, said that he can't speak all that clearly while wearing the mask over his mouth. So I believe that they will re-dubb his voice in post-production so this might not be how he actually talks in the movie when it's finished. But we'll have to see! I am so excited for 'The Dark Knight Rises', Batman is my favorite comic book super-hero and 'The Dark Knight' and 'Batman Begins' are 2 of my favorite movies. Plus Christopher Nolan is incapable of making a bad movie. So I have faith they will do the last Batman by him justice. Stay tuned for more updates on 'The Dark Knight Rises' and other movies! 
P.S. If you want to know where they are filming the movie, it's in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Just in case you might want to take a trip over there to see it being filmed.

Welcome to the Movies page!

Hey everyone!
So this page is attached to my Home page, but it is technically a separate blog so if you already followed the Home, you will have to follow this and the other pages to be notified when I have new posts. But this page will be for movies. I will talk about a movie I might've seen for the first or several times, updates on a most anticipated movie, or just anything I might feel about writing movie related. Feel free to ask any questions about a movie or something in a movie you might've been confused about. I will be happy to answer them. I hope you will enjoy what is to come! :)