Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bane has spoken!

Everyone knows that 'The Dark Knight Rises' has started filming. And we all know the villains are Catwoman and Bane. But now, we get an idea of how Bane will talk. In the video below it shows people cheering and then getting silent as the field explodes and Bane walks on the field. There is a separate video for the explosion you can check out by clicking this video and it taking you to YouTube then by the same channel just look at the other videos they posted and you will see it.
Unfortunately you can't see a lot on the field, but it's still overall a scene that will be in the movie so it's still exciting. What I think about how he talks is that I wasn't expecting him to talk like that and I sort of like it. It's bizarre and it threw me completely off guard, which I like. Tom Hardy, who plays Bane, said that he can't speak all that clearly while wearing the mask over his mouth. So I believe that they will re-dubb his voice in post-production so this might not be how he actually talks in the movie when it's finished. But we'll have to see! I am so excited for 'The Dark Knight Rises', Batman is my favorite comic book super-hero and 'The Dark Knight' and 'Batman Begins' are 2 of my favorite movies. Plus Christopher Nolan is incapable of making a bad movie. So I have faith they will do the last Batman by him justice. Stay tuned for more updates on 'The Dark Knight Rises' and other movies! 
P.S. If you want to know where they are filming the movie, it's in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Just in case you might want to take a trip over there to see it being filmed.

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